Proof not Prestige…

Since the Scottish referendum on independence on September 18th 2014, we have not had a straightforward election and one, which I recently spent; much of the night watching has been as extraordinary as the Brexit vote and the recent presidential election in the US, completely defying expectations. I wonder what our children think? I wonder if they are going to imagine that all elections are as extraordinary as the ones, which they have experienced over the past two and a half years. If politics ever reverts to the more predictable, will they feel cheated? Will they always demand high-octane elections?

I have found myself asking what lessons can we teach our children from this , I have told my wider family often to take some risks sometimes – especially intellectually – experiment with ideas i say, but clearly taking risks does not always produce the results that one intends. I often tell my team here at OSG to “dress for success” and to some degree follow that mantra myself. So how interesting that a high number of – particularly young people – made considerably more popular a middle aged man who dresses casually and has a beard… Its clear that ideas matter greatly and that people are inspired by not just image! I hope this is true with investors and how they invest in UK residential property, my experience thus far however is that it isn’t… Yet!

We are not taking risks here with valuable funds of others and we don’t need to take risks to be able to generate very good returns. We do not do anything that is fashionable, trendy and nor do we do anything for prestige. For us security, helpfulness, kindness and very importantly – common sense are part of what we can offer and deliver on.

It was Jesse Livermore who said “if you’re in the business of making unfashionable bets then you need to evaluate over a minimum of five years or more”.

Seems after all I am concerned – Unlike Corbyn – with image and that itself somehow feels empowering.

Adam Mackrell

Oxford Spires Group