Posted on 17th November 2017 by Adam Mackrell
Friday 17th November 2017
Remembrance day and time is an annual event, of course and it happens with a kind of idiosyncrasy of fate at one of the most poignant times of the year here, a moment when the very last signs of the years colourful beauty is still clinging to the trees and when the cold harshness of winter begins to descend.
Taking some time to connect i feel it is an emotional time of year and i couldn’t help but feel moved. Driving through the countryside of Oxford taking my father in law fishing, my daughter and I were playing a game we often do of spotting how many colours we could see on the trees and bushes – I was struck actually by the intense colours on the trees and at the sides of the roads – I don’t think an impressionist artist could of emulated it any better. We know and feel when we are truly present and able to appreciate this fragility and beauty. It is a great moment to remember those who died fighting in wars – generally the young unfortunately. And for people with children or not it is a poignant thought and an opportunity to be grateful and to feel gratitude. My strong feeling now is to attempt to remember that and carry that gratitude and feeling in to everything we do and work to achieve for clients and end users of our products here at OSG.
This enables all of us here to be able to be better in every single way, more helpful, more tolerant and to be able to provide a better service, product and experience for everyone who is involved with us and our business.
As we continue to try and grow, we will continue to do it in the right way as we believe it to be which is not always the common way in our sector.
Adam Mackrell
Oxford Spires Group